Make it Count

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Make it Count 

When you see every new day as a new opportunity to change the world, you will have a life full of meaning and purpose. The truth is, you bring something invaluable to your family, your practice, and community each and every day - Yourself. There is no one who is able to make an impact on the lives of others the way you can. 

God has called you specifically to reach the masses for Him through every patient visit and every Chiropractic adjustment. No one will have the chance to reach someone in exactly the same way you can reach them. You are appointed to your community and to your practice for this exact moment in time (Esther 4:14). Before you were born, God set you apart, and He called you to make a difference from right where you are (Jeremiah 1:5). 

Now, more than ever, your family, friends, and community need you. You are filled with the power of God, guided by the presence of God, and anointed to do the work of God. Step out in boldness today, own who God has called you to be, and leave the impact He can positioned you to make (Proverbs 28:1). This is the time and this is your moment. Make it count. 

Remember, with God all things are possible, 

Dr. Rob Schiffman 

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Ben Lerner