I have told 10s of 1000s of patients, “I work for God and not for money.” Every time I say it, there is a small pang of doubt knowing I also need the patient to value my care and pay the full fee. Yet, I’ve been trusting God with this for over 20 years and we’ve always had very economically successful practices with great collection per visit averages and total collections per month. God is faithful and the patients get the meaning.
   The story of Ruth is a great example of God’s provision and even bringing faithful people to a level of thriving and not just surviving.  From the world's perspective, Ruth was a transient. She had no job. That's why she is gleaning the fields. She is living under the law of God for the protection of widows and strangers. Ruth is today's homeless woman, caring for her widowed mother-in-law. Neither woman has the favor or protection on a man. And that meant real hardship. Boaz has heard the story. He knows that Ruth didn't have to come with her mother-in-law to this strange land. He knows that Ruth has embraced a new God and is seeking to serve Him. But Boaz does not offer her wages. Instead, he offers her something of far more value: acceptance. He tells Ruth that the one who is going to reward her is God Himself. Boaz sees immediately that the service Ruth is performing means she is in the employ of God, and God never misses a paycheck.

Boaz' comment to Ruth establishes a critical principle. No matter where the money comes from, we work for God. He is the real Boss. He may use someone else to do the distribution, but the vault is His and He hands out the wages.

    This principle works no matter what kind of job we are doing. Self-sacrificing service for others never goes unnoticed by the Father of those seeking refuge. Ruth, the nobody lost in the history of Israel, turns our attention toward real service and her service puts the spotlight on the real employer. 
    The company name on your paycheck isn't really paying your wages. In God's world, you work for Him. Is your work worthy of your wages? Got has a promise for you above provision, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” - Genesis 28:15

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner

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October 10, 2020

Ben Lerner