Courage is Fear that Prays

 The sun and the north wind were arguing over who was more powerful. They saw a man walking down the street wearing an overcoat. The north wind said, “I’ll bet I can get that man to take off his coat faster than you.” 
  The sun said, “You’re on.”
    The north wind blew and blew, but the harder it tried the more that man held on to his overcoat. Then the sun rose up and shined and the man took off his overcoat. 

Moral: Be who God created you to be; express yourself and be thankful.

     Many people live like they will never die; not taking full advantage of every moment of the day. In iconic movie “Dead Poets Society,” Robin Williams looks at pictures in the trophy room of all of the heroes and teams of old and very eloquently tells us that we will all soon be “Food for worms.”  
     Your days on earth are numbered. So isn’t it a shame that you put so many things off. You get so caught up paying your bills, trying to get somewhere on time, and handling your latest crisis that you forget to live. Out of fear of the consequences, endless distractions, or procrastination you do not grab for the things you really want and that really matter. We get so busy getting through the day that we fail to get from the day.
    Robin Williams tells us in this movie that we must, “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the Day – gather ye rosebud while ye may.” The Bible tells us that satan comes to, “Steal, kill, and destroy” – all of the grand and glorious opportunities God has given you for your life (Emphasis mine.) Jesus, on the other hand, “Came to give life and give it more abundantly.” (Jn 10:10)
    When Michael Jordan was asked what made him such a hero.  He said that the reason most people never take those last second shots and why so many who do miss them, is that they are “worried about the consequences.” He said, “Whenever you think about the consequences it’s always negative.”  ‘What will happen if I miss?’ I always say. “What will happen if I make it?”
    Teach children to never say the words: embarrassed, tired, should, can’t, later, might, wish, hopefully, or if.” Many of these words do not even exist in other languages.   
    Your basic state you were created to live in is your state of freedom. However, many live in a prison. We often avoid our calling, our assignment, what is on our hearts, and our dreams because our mind is afraid of consequences or what people may think. The Bible says, “God gives you the desires in your heart.” (Ps 37:4) What does that mean? It means your desires are God-given; don’t ignore them ... go for them! Live in your heart and you let God do His part.
    Express yourself and be thankful. Let the sun come out and shine. If not, you just keep pulling that overcoat more tightly around you, building thicker walls and stronger bars in your prison.   That is why antidepressant sales go up every year. Let’s put them out of business!

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner


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