Preparation for the Future

Whenever God asks you to do something, you can be sure it will be a little outside of your comfort zone. You see, God does not only want to expand your reach, but He wants to develop your heart. It takes faith to believe for what is not yet seen, and it takes courage to act on that belief. 

It’s along the way to your future that God prepares you for it. Even though the outcome takes time to reach, you will be shaped in the way He needs you to be by the time you get there. The opportunities ahead and the people you will impact is in direct correlation for how willing you are to let God have His way in your life. 

There will be days when you face more resistance than ever before, but it’s through the process that you are being more and more refined. James tells us to consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds, because it’s those challenges that are perfecting us to become more like Jesus (James 1:2-3). As you take on the day, press on in faith, knowing that it is all preparation for what’s to come.

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Rob Schiffman

Ben Lerner