What Do You Hear?

A Native American was in downtown New York, walking with his friend, who lived in New York City. Suddenly he said, “I hear a cricket.” “Oh you’re crazy,” his friend replied.

  “It’s the noon hour. There are people bustling around, cars honking, taxis squealing, noises from the city.  I’m sure you cannot hear a cricket.” “I’m sure I do,” said the Native American. He listened attentively and then walked to the corner, looking all around.

   Finally, on the corner he found a shrub in a large cement planter. He dug beneath the leaves and there he found a cricket!

   His friend was astonished. But the Cherokee said, “My ears are no different than yours. It simply depends on what you are prepared to hear. Here let me show you what I mean.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change—a few quarters, some dimes, nickels, and pennies. And he dropped them on the concrete sidewalk. Every head within a block turned! “You see what I mean?” he said as he began picking up his coins.    

    “It all depends on what you are listening for.”

    I’ve spoken and been interviewed dozens of times on how I have built so many large practices as a chiropractor. In fact, whenever I speak, that is generally the topic people hope that I will cover. 

   While there are some complexities: chiropractic technique, the type of care, the right processes and procedures, a well hired and trained staff, execution, and the wellness plans; the juice behind everything is what you are listening for. 

    The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Jesus tells us that “whatever we do with the least of these; the widow, the orphan, the sick, the suffering, and the lost; you do to me.”  I’ve taken that in full faith and as a result, I listen for and am constantly vigilant as to the opportunity to save lives. I take responsibility for the well-being of the people in my town, state, nation, and profession. Including the students in my profession.

   How did I adjust 2000/week in my one office and 14,000/month in my 5 clinics? I listen for the depression, the heart disease, the cancer, the family’s that unnecessarily lose a loved one to these diseases and say to myself, “No more!”

   How did I open up 135 clinics and counting? I listen to chiropractors and their families that struggle with challenging careers and for chiropractic students that will set off on the wrong track and say to myself, “Not if I can help it!”

What do you hear?

With God, all things are possible!

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner