“We must learn to acknowledge that creation is full of mystery; we will never entirely understand it. We must abandon arrogance and stand in awe. We must recover the sense of the majesty of creation, and the ability to be worshipful in its presence. For I do not doubt that it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that our species will be able to remain in it.” 
-Wendall Berry

   The word “Genesis” means the origin or formation of something.  The Genesis story in the Bible, tells of the origin of the world, and how man and woman were formed.

   We’re instructed in Genesis 2:7 that “The LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” He took some dirt and made a person! 1000s of years later, science hasn’t solved the mystery of life and quite how the making of people works. And it never will…

   I fell in love with chiropractic because it emphasized this wondrous, mysterious, power that keeps organs functioning. It fascinates me to this day that the science of chiropractic looks to remove interference that might disturb this internal, eternal wisdom that brings and breathes life into what would otherwise be dust.

   You can often see the wonders of God when peering into scientific literature. In a published, scientific paper called, “The Sympathetic Nerve—An Integrative Interface between Two Super-systems: The Brain and the Immune System” there are 443 references.  The entire study is about this supernatural need for communication between the nervous system and the immune system in order to keep us from turning back into the dirt of the earth.  

   As you read this, the breath of God circulates through your various systems that keep us alive and thriving. This study discusses the immune chemicals like interleukin, interferon, and T-helper cells that spend all day fighting cancer, pathogens, virus, bacteria, and all forms of disease so we can keep going. The presence of these chemicals, in what concentration, and directed to which particular area of the body is determined by communication back and forth between the “Two Super-systems” – the Brain and Immune System.” 

   Too little of these chemicals and disease wins. Too much of these chemicals and the body simply destroys itself. Supernaturally, these two systems cross-talk. The immune system sends messages up to the brain; letting the brain know what it needs to defend the body and the brain sends signals back out to all of the important organ functions related to immunity. These cell-phone like conversations back and forth are all through the body’s own AT&T network called the “spine” through either cable or neurological chemicals that act like physiological Wifi. When kept in homeostatic harmony; the body stays well.

   The key to health: good reception through a healthy spine and nervous system.

   One has to think as God was making man, He was also making chiropractors.

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner