Take Heart: Your Gift Has Arrived!

   Do you feel you lack the strength, the courage, the boldness, or the certainty in your work or any area of your life necessary to become fully happy or consider yourself a success?

   This lack of confidence, belief in yourself, or hope for a prosperous future likely comes from an important empty space.  A space that is designed to be inhabited by the presence of God.

   As an example, I was a college athlete.  I used to get so nervous before competitions, it would radically impede my performance.  I choked so bad in one event, I actually received recognition for my immense melt-down at the end of the season awards ceremony.  I won the un-coveted “Dead turtle” award.  As you can imagine, a trophy I did not keep to show my children. 

   Why did I lack the confidence I needed?  I walked into battle alone and uncertain I had all of the skills and preparation necessary to win.  It’s much different now.  Today, whatever arena in life I walk into, I know that God walks with me. I know God is with us.

   Even those not interested in the things of God know the story of Adam and Eve. In the beginning: God creates man and women – and He says this is “Very good.” When God made other stuff, He said it was, “good.”  But when He made people, He adds, “Very.”

   The next part of the story isn’t as encouraging.  As much as God loves these two people He created, they do the one thing He told them to never do.  They ate the apple and in that moment, what was meant to be an everlasting close and intimate relationship with God becomes eternal separation instead. 

   Thankfully, the story doesn’t end there.  As the book continues, God promises to send someone to mend, repair, and restore the relationship.

   Christmas designates the arrival of the gift God promised us way back at the beginning.  That a son will be born to us and his name will be Immanuel which means “God with us.”  That now, anyone who accepts the gift of Christ can experience a relationship with God and the inexplicable joy, confidence, and certainty that comes from a personal relationship with Him.

   The word "courage" comes from the Latin word "cor" for heart. While generally associated with brave and heroic moments, heart is also required as the currency over time to pay for the challenging, harrowing, chaotic, turbulent, and an often heavily doubted and criticized journey towards achieving a great, higher purpose. In other words; most anyone called to something awesome will generally find that worldly factors tend to line up against them.

    Us Christians say things like, “We have a heart for Christ.”  This kind of goes with a particular quote of Jesus where He said, "Take HEART, for I have over-come the world."

In other words, even if the world seems against you, if God is with you, you can have “cor,” or courage. 

    Christmas is about the most wonderful gift you can possible receive. Our confidence, self-esteem, and opportunity for joy un-speakable, and peace that surpasses all understanding is here.  He’s with you and in “His presence is fullness of joy” and the “Joy of the Lord is our strength.”

     Like Joshua we’re told that in our hearts, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

    With this gift, you have an unfair advantage moving forward.  Approach life with confidence and boldness this year and beyond knowing “God with us.”  He’s here, the relationship has been mended, you are not alone.

With God, all things are possible

Dr. Ben

Ben Lerner