The Challenge of Today, the Stairway Towards Tomorrow

The irony of today is that we live in a world of massive information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and emotional management, yet we’re more overweight, have more nutritionally related illness, and are more anxious and depressed than ever before. 

  Did you ever wonder why with all of the millions of books, tapes, programs, etc. on physical and mental health being sold on T.V., web-sites, bookstores, and malls we’re failing more than any other time in recorded history to be healthy physically or mentally?

   To help describe the problem, imagine a race car driver building the most powerful engine available, but sticking it in family min-vans with two car seats that also has tires that are 18 years old. The point, there may be power in the engine but the foundation isn’t set to use it effectively. In fact, at high speeds, the wheels just come off and French fries start flying out from between the seats.

    Our lives lack the structure and foundation necessary to effectively and sustainably implement and execute the information we receive. 

   Little is wrong with the programs out there. While one book, website, APP or CD may war against the next, they probably all have benefits if someone implemented their logic and stuck it out. On the other hand, the claims that are being made are really just good marketing to make you think –THIS IS THE ONE! Yet, the truth is, you can’t just drop the next idea or plan into your current life culture and expect to see different results. 

   If you want life to sprout up, you’ve got to make sure there is fertile ground. If the way you live your life is not a breeding ground for success, changing books and theories isn’t the answer.  The foundation just isn’t there and if you just try harder the wheels may just explode on you.



   When Mr. Miaggi asked Danialsan if he was ready to start his Karate training the boy answered, “I guess so.” Mr. Miaggi explained that if you walk on the right side of the road –fine.  If you walk on the left side of the road –fine. But, if you walk down the middle –squish. Not fine.

   If you want to learn Karate –fine. If you don’t want to learn Karate –fine. If you “guess so’ –squish. Not fine.

   We’ve got to learn what it takes to honor our commitments. To understand what it means to maturely develop discipline enough to finish what we started. Either don’t begin or complete what you set out to accomplish.

  The importance of our bodies goes beyond our current level of awareness. That is to say, we unconsciously make decisions about what we put in and do with our bodies every day. If you consciously decide to down some junk food 1-2 times a week as a means of really taking a vacation from your mature commitment to your health that’s fantastic. If when overwhelmed with pain, you make a conscious decision to use a medication, all the while considering why those symptoms may exist and what must be done to correct the situation, that’s long-term thinking. 

    However, if you unconsciously consume refined, packaged, fast foods and carbohydrates, consistently pop pills, and slug down caffeine consistently it’s short-term, inauspicious thinking.

    Your body is important to God, the people you serve, and the family who cares about you. To disregard it is to show contempt for the people who care. I’m committed to my body not so much for me as I don’t want to widow my wife, leave my kids while they still badly need their father, and fall short of my purpose and all that God has called me to do. You are a V.I.P. to a whole lot of people including yourself.


  I first started hearing the term “stress” back in the late eighties. At the time, it was sort of an abstract term for challenges and people were just starting to blame things lack their bad backs or foul moods on “stress.” In 1994, I taught college Anatomy & Physiology. At the time, I was amazed to find that in a college text book, the chapter on stress was the largest chapter. It turns out, stress isn’t such an ethereal word, but a very concrete, real thing with very specific, negative effects on your body.

   When you’re experiencing negative stress, your body prepares for battle. It’s called the “fight or flight” response. During this 911 response, your nervous system goes into overdrive and sends energy and blood supply rushing to your extremities and away from your organ systems.  Fight or flight was designed for the occasional need to protect yourself from your enemies or perform physically at appropriate times throughout your life. It wasn’t meant to be an every day, all day experience.

   By going through life with an ever-present sense of urgency, anxiety, or stress, your vital organs are not getting the energy and blood they need to heal, grow, thrive, and survive because it’s all in your parts needed for fighting or running. You’re virtually killing yourself. With your nervous system in a state of stress, it also kicks out stress hormones. In excess, these hormones cause advanced aging, weight gain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, arthritis, and many other hazards.

    The nervous system is the command center of the entire body. Ultimately, it is impossible to be balanced, be mentally stable, healthy, or to make good, sane, solid decisions with the ever-present 911 state your sensitive nervous system is constantly experiencing.         

    A “positive mental attitude” is not enough. Some stuff is too challenging, especially if it’s just problem after problem. You need to completely reprogram the way you look at life and learn how to reduce the amount of stress or have “stress prevention.” 


     Prior to leaving school and getting ready to work with patients, I never considered the issue of people always claiming to be “too busy” to deal with their problems.  I suppose for a few years I bought this excuse until moving to Orlando to practice. In Florida, we take care of many retirees. Interestingly enough, my retirees started telling me the same thing that they also were, “too busy.” I’d think, “What? Do you have a board meeting or something? You’re retired!” It was then I realized how truly desperate, ubiquitous, and insidious this idea of “busy” really was.

      The question “Too busy doing what?” is a good one. If we’re sicker, more overweight, and more depressed, with higher divorce rates, and with historically high financial debt; than what are we so busy doing? We’re busier than we are successful.

   Proper time management is key. If time is always spent on what is urgent, then what will you always have –urgency. Rather, plan time for what’s important. You don’t find success in any area of life –you plan it. I know I’m getting somewhere with clients when I’m on the phone with the doctor and their spouse mapping out the schedule for the days, weeks, months, and year!

   The future really relies on real commitments, an understanding of the importance of viewing life with respect to God’s plan, and honoring God with both our time and bodies.

He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you – He has big plans for your future (Jer 29:11).  Yet, we have good choices to make. If you haven’t been making them, He’s got nothing but grace and second chances for you. Starting now.

With God, All Things Are Possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner