There is Nothing You Can’t Do

There is Nothing You Can’t Do 

Never underestimate what God can do. He spoke the universe into existence, breathed life into this world, and knows every single hair on your head. Those three things alone showcase the awe-inspiring power of God. So, if you have a massive vision for your future, embrace it. There is nothing too great for Him to help you achieve. 

Something very important to realize and always remember is that through Jesus, God lives inside of you. So, remember that when you feel weak, in Him, you are strong. When you feel lost, in Him, you are always found. When you feel directionless, with Him, you are being led every step of the way. With God in you, and for you, there is nothing you can’t do. 

Always keep in mind that through faith in God, you can accomplish all He has called you to do. In Him, He has given you everything you need to make it happen and get it done. So, if what you're facing feels big, remember with God, it’s always smaller than you think. You can do all things through Him because He’s living in you. 

Remember, with God all things are possible, 

Dr. Rob Schiffman 

Ben Lerner