God can do anything. He can cause the blind to see, heal the sick, and catch someone whose parachute doesn’t open so that when they hit the ground, they literally walk away scot-free from their one thousand–foot free-fall. But remember, He has also set up some very specific physical laws (laws of physics). 
     I can’t stress enough that no matter how good a person you are or how spiritual your intentions, you cannot act as if God blinks or looks the other way as you ignore the laws of life. If you break the laws of physics, more than likely you’ll pay the consequences. If you pray before jumping off of a building, God can catch you if He wants. Yet, typically you’ll discover the law of gravity has you plummeting earthward at a rate of 9.81 meters per second (32.2 feet per second). You’ll also probably experience the laws of force when an object accelerating at high speeds meets an opposing, stationary, immovable force and quickly decelerates. Generally, “splat” occurs along with other natural laws that are related to how human tissues are held together and kept in place. 
     God loves you, but I don’t recommend drinking paint thinner, stepping in front of a moving vehicle, trying to breathe underwater, jumping off your roof, leaving your spine subluxated, or your body deprived of essential nutrients (or with a surplus of non-essential nutrients)! All of these break the laws of the universe that God has set up for a reason. 
    There are physical realities that you have to consider as you go through your spiritual life. These are like the laws by which God runs the universe. These are His strategies, or laws of nature. God’s will is automatically done when you breathe. You don’t have to make a decision to take a breath. You automatically breathe because breathing is an expression of human nature. When a pencil rolls off a table, it automatically falls down because of another automatic will of God—the law of gravity. You don’t need to pray for water to boil at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. You don’t have to pray for water to run down by the sea. 
     In one of our clinics, we took care of an incredible family that had a very successful global ministry. Their focus was feeding the hungry, and their talent was worship music. Nearly all of them understood the importance of physical health in order to have the strength to continue their awesome work and were very committed patients. The leader of the ministry was a family member that wasn’t committed to his health. He decided “he didn’t have time” to invest in his health and body, nor did he really appreciate the need. He had painful spine and posture issues, loved sugar, was overweight, didn’t exercise, was a workaholic, and was continually under stress. It’s probable he assumed, like many in ministry, that because he was a good man and doing God’s work his affairs and his body were protected by God. 
     The extremely sad, but very true, ending to this story is that this beloved Christian leader, dear friend, and family member died of cancer at a very young age, leaving a young wife and two small children behind. The ministry broke apart and no longer exists. Like gravity, there are simply lifestyle rules, things you can do and cannot do, for your body. There are things that are meant to be swallowed, things not meant to be swallowed, and principles for how to get or stay well. At the risk of sounding scary, when these laws are violated, bad things happen to you now and worse things happen to you later. It is simply a law of life. 
    You can break from some of the rules and the body forgives, but keep breaking them and the risk usually becomes too great to get away with it. Align your spine and your lifestyle with God’s intentions; stay the course – or get back on track with your care and home care directions.

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner