God has already Won the Battle & Granted you PEACE

“Thou wilt keep the man of steadfast purpose in perfect peace, because he trusts in Thee.”
Isaiah 26:3

   Peace - This verse can be translated in several ways. It might be rendered, “You will keep the nation of steadfast purpose in perfect peace...” or “You will keep in perfect peace the mind of steadfast purpose...” The Hebrew word for peace is shalom. It is still used in personal greetings today. In spite of the various translations of this verse, the word for “peace” is not ambiguous. Its meaning is much deeper than simply the absence of strife or hostilities. Its true context means completeness, wholeness, harmony, or fulfillment in both our undertakings and our relationships. This kind of peace is the result of God’s promise toward us. While we were at war with God, He issued a declaration of peace toward us.
   God’s peace is not the result of a negotiated settlement but rather the outcome of His righteousness. Under God’s rule, the man who has been given God’s peace is the man who has been blessed with God’s rest and who is treated with grace. All of this comes about through a divine gift. It is important to remember that Jesus was called the Prince of Peace. His death healed the wound between God and us and makes all other recovery possible. Recovering addicts know very well the strife of the soul. This verse promises that God Himself will give us peace.
   Our word for this experience is serenity. It will come as a gift from God when we diligently pursue the surrender of ourselves and trust in God’s care. Is there anything more important that an addict longs for than peace? We can all recall those days and nights of terror in our souls when we felt for certain that we were abandoned in the universe, at war with existence and ready to die. God calls us back to sanity, and offers as a gift what we could never find by struggle – peace of heart. Make a joyful noise!

    Life is a battle. But what fight are you fighting? 
Paul reminds Timothy of a critical event in his life, the day that he embraced eternal life by agreeing with the good words in front of witnesses. This was the day of Timothy's conversion. It was public. It was a significant transition. And it had eternal results.

    Every believer has a personal God-day. It is the day that you turn your design for living over to the Designer so that His pattern can be woven into my fabric. The church celebrates these days with public declarations like baptism, confirmation and membership. These are all important. But, the day does not become "my day" until God comes to reign in my life. The day is God's day for you when you agree with God. He is right about me and about what I need. He is right about my status in life without Him. He is right about a lot of things that you thought you knew better. That day is the beginning of the real you. The "you" that God designed you to be.
   One day life changed. It’s a day that you’ve enlisted. To stop fighting a war for material accumulation, but for spiritual aspiration. A “good” fight – a more noble, praiseworthy, pure, honorable, precious, loving fight. To be driven towards the character of God and develop my purpose in the midst of the on-going battle to resist the ways of man.

What are you striving for today? Is God winning the battle for your life? God has granted you Shalom.

With God, all things are possible.

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner