Remember What God Said?


You were born for greatness

 We were all put here with a specific God-desired purpose. There is literally something God tells you to do at some point in your life. In fact, He gives you insights into the great purpose He has for you all the way through to the end of your life.  In fact, we’re told the future will match or exceed anything we accomplished in the past. This is true no matter what your age is!

“Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.” -Joel 2:23

“The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty." – Haggai 2:9

God is telling you, you will have success at the beginning, middle, and end of your life. This is really good news!

 As the hopeful legend goes, when you are searching out your purpose you are also seeking your personal dreams. When you find them both, you have found joy and wonders beyond your wildest imagination. You will have found heaven on earth. You will be doing what God said.

 Suffering may be part of the journey. Unfortunately, humans often need a great deal of pain to obtain wisdom. Many feel the pain is the end of the journey – but that’s only true if you do not learn from the pain or if you let the pain make you forget the purpose of your journey. It is up to us to decide whether the fire refines, directs, and builds us up or whether it discourages and tears us down.

 At some point in your life you had faith. You had dreams. You had hopes. You had prayers.  The challenge is that “the cares” and “the pains” of life can cause you to lower the bar, shoot for less, or not expect that much is left. Struggles can tend to steal our purposes away. We can get so caught up in the world, trying to make it like everyone else, that our destiny becomes a distant memory. 

If you have that constant feeling like something is missing or like you have forgotten something, it is not there to discourage you. It’s actually there to encourage you. That voice may just be your soul crying out for you to keep going and align your purpose with your reality. To remember and take action on what God said.

 I found an old “purpose statement” and “dream declaration” I shared with my patients in the early days of building our first 5 clinics:


To bring you closer to God by further recognizing the divinity within, so that you will not distort it with drugs or surgery. Then you will have to trust God and God only to get you well and keep you well.


 To act as God’s instrument by removing any interference to life in your body; allowing you the health and vitality to fulfill your chosen destiny.

As a result, each day we live heaven on earth. When life is painful, there is peace in knowing we are among the few who remembered what God said. There is also peace in knowing that when the going gets rough we can always get an extra adjustment that week – and keep going.

 “It matters not so much what goes into a man’s mouth, but what comes out of it.”

With God, all things are possible.

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner